Mastering JavaScript Polyfills: Recreate forEach, map, reduce & reverse Like a Pro! 🚀

Mastering JavaScript Polyfills: Recreate forEach, map, reduce & reverse Like a Pro! 🚀


7 min read

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction

    • What is a Polyfill?

    • Real-life Analogy: The Translator

    • The Evolution of Browsers and the Need for Polyfills

  2. How Polyfills Work

    • Checking for Feature Support

    • Implementing Alternative Functionality

  3. Mastering JavaScript Polyfills: Recreate forEach, map, reduce & reverse Like a Pro!

    • Why Polyfills Matter: Interview Insights and Real-World Benefits

    • Key Considerations for Creating Polyfills

  4. Polyfill for forEach()

    • How forEach() Works

    • Custom Polyfill for forEach()

    • Code Explanation and Example Usage

  5. Polyfill for map()

    • How map() Works

    • Custom Polyfill for map()

    • Code Explanation and Example Usage

  6. Polyfill for reduce()

    • How reduce() Works

    • Custom Polyfill for reduce()

    • Code Explanation and Example Usage

  7. Polyfill for filter()

    • How filter() Works

    • Custom Polyfill for filter()

    • Code Explanation and Example Usage

  8. Polyfill for reverse()

    • How reverse() Works

    • Custom Polyfill for reverse()

    • Code Explanation and Example Usage

  9. Conclusion

    • Recap of Key Takeaways

    • Final Thoughts on the Importance of Polyfills

    • Challenge: Can You Create a Polyfill for Another Array Method?


A polyfill in JavaScript is a script that replicates the functionality of a newer feature in older browsers that do not support it. Essentially, it "fills in" the gap in JavaScript support.

In JavaScript, a polyfill is like this substitute—it replaces a missing feature with an alternative so the code still works.

Real life example that might help you to understand polyfills-:

  • Imagine you visit France 🇫🇷, but you don’t speak French.

  • Instead of struggling, you use Google Translate or a human translator to understand and speak.

  • Now, you can communicate without actually learning French.

The translator acts as a polyfill—it helps you (older browser) understand a new language (modern JavaScript features) that you don’t natively support


As the World Wide Web expanded, browsers found themselves in a race to keep up with the rapid advancements in technology. Some browsers evolved quickly, integrating new cutting-edge features to enhance user experience. They introduced modern JavaScript methods that made web applications faster, more interactive, and visually stunning.

However, not all browsers could keep up with this evolution. Older browsers, like forgotten warriors of a past era, struggled to support these new features. Websites that worked perfectly on modern browsers broke down on older ones, leaving users frustrated and developers scratching their heads.

To bridge this gap, the concept of polyfills emerged—a clever hack that allowed developers to bring the missing functionality to outdated browsers.

Think of polyfills as time travelers ⏳, carrying new-age technology back to older browsers so they don’t feel left out. They act as translators, ensuring that even if a browser doesn't understand a new JavaScript feature, it can still perform the same action using an alternative approach.

Thanks to polyfills, the web became a more inclusive place, where modern websites could function seamlessly across different environments—whether on the latest Chrome update or an ancient version of Internet Explorer.

And so, the internet continued to thrive, not by leaving old browsers behind, but by teaching them new tricks through polyfills!

How Polyfills Work-:

  1. Check if a feature is supported in the browser.

  2. If not, define an equivalent functionality using older JavaScript.

if (!Array.prototype.includes)

{ Array.prototype.includes = function (element)

{ return this.indexOf(element) !== -1; };


In this example, the includes() method (introduced in ES6) is added manually if the browser does not support it.

Common Use Cases of Polyfills

FeaturePolyfill Example
fetch()Uses XMLHttpRequest for older browsers
PromiseUses callbacks to mimic promises
Object.assign()Uses manual property copying
Array.includes()Uses indexOf()
requestAnimationFrameUses setTimeout

Mastering JavaScript Polyfills: Recreate forEach, map, reduce & reverse Like a Pro! 🚀

One of the most common interview questions JavaScript developers face is:
đź’ˇ "How do you create a polyfill for a built-in method?"

In this article, we’ll decode the magic behind polyfills and learn how to implement custom versions of frequently used methods like:

✅ forEach() – Loop through arrays effortlessly
✅ map() – Transform array elements with ease
✅ reduce() – Reduce an array to a single value
✅ reverse() – Flip an array inside out

But why should you care? 🤔

👉 Interviews Love This Question: Hiring managers want to see if you truly understand JavaScript internals.
👉 Real-World Benefits: Writing polyfills sharpens your problem-solving skills and helps in working with legacy browsers.
👉 Deep JavaScript Knowledge: Mastering polyfills gives you a solid grasp of prototypes and function mechanics.

In this article, I'll break it all down with detailed coding explanations so you can confidently answer this question in interviews. Let’s dive in! 🔥

NOTE-:To create any polyfill always remember two things-:

1) The type of input that your method takes

2)Do it return a value or not ..

That’s it if you keep these two things in mind you can easily create a polyfill

Polyfill for forEach()

How forEach() Works:

The forEach method loops through an array and executes a callback function for each element. It doesn’t return anything .

Custom Polyfill for forEach()

As you know, the prototype object contains methods that all instances inherit. By writing Array.prototype.myForEach, we add a new method named myForEach to the Array class. This myForEach function accepts a callback as its argument, similar to the native forEach method. The callback receives three parameters:

  • this[i]: The current element in the array.

  • i: The index of the current element.

  • this: The entire array on which the method is called.

Since the native forEach method does not return any value, myForEach is designed not to return anything either.

Polyfill for map()

How map() Works:

  • map() creates a new array with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the original array.

Custom Polyfill for map()

The map method creates a new array by applying a given callback function to each element of an existing array. It does not modify the original array but returns a transformed version of it.

By adding Array.prototype.myMap, we create a custom myMap method that behaves like the native map. The callback function receives:

  • this[i] → The current element in the array.

  • i → The index of the current element.

  • this → The entire array on which the method is called.

Since map returns a new array, our myMap method must also return a new transformed array.

Polyfill for reduce()

How reduce() Works:

  • reduce() applies a function against an accumulator and each element in the array to reduce it to a single value.

  • It takes two arguments: a callback function and an initial value.

The reduce method processes each element of an array and accumulates a single final result. It takes a callback function and an initial value (optional).

The callback function receives:

  • accumulator → Stores the accumulated result from previous iterations.

  • currentValue (this[i]) → The current element in the array.

  • index (i) → The index of the current element.

  • this (array) → The entire array being processed.

If no initial value is provided, the first element of the array is used as the starting value, and iteration starts from index 1 instead of 0.

Implementing myFilter Polyfill

The filter method creates a new array containing all elements from the original array that pass a given test implemented by the callback function. It does not modify the original array.

The callback function receives the following parameters for each element:

  • this[i] → The current element in the array.

  • i → The index of the current element.

  • this → The entire array on which the method is called.

Only elements for which the callback returns a truthy value will be included in the new array.

Polyfill for reverse()

How reverse() Works:

  • reverse() reverses the elements of an array in place.

  • It modifies the original array.

Custom Polyfill for reverse()

as original reverse does not take any parameters so nothing is passed in the function and to reverse we have just traversed the array in backward direction and stored it in another array and returned that array


In this article, we've journeyed through the world of polyfills—those ingenious workarounds that bridge the gap between modern JavaScript features and older browsers. By understanding how the native methods like forEach, map, reduce, filter, and reverse work, you can confidently create your own polyfills. This not only prepares you for common interview questions but also deepens your understanding of JavaScript's core principles.

Remember: When creating a polyfill, always keep in mind two crucial points:

  1. Input Type: Understand the type of input your method expects.

  2. Return Value: Determine whether the function should return a value or simply perform an action.

By mastering these techniques, you'll be well-equipped to ensure your code remains both robust and backward-compatible—even as the web continues to evolve. Happy coding, and may your polyfills always fill in the gaps!